Press clippings - Media Monitoring - Press-Clippings (in one PDF)
23.03.2024What others say about
The most relevant articles (german/english)
condensed into one single pdf.
114 pages 35MB

AVSIM - By far one of the best B777 doc's around
21.11.2014Marlon Carter reviews the B777 flight to Hong Kong. (…) This program is by far one of the best B777 documentaries around and it nicely showcases the B777 and the professionalism of the flight crew. If you are interested in the B777 (…), this is definitely the program for you...

Tec Time TV - Interview with Producer Th. Aigner
02.09.2014 - Der Traum vom Fliegen
27.03.2014Success Story
(…) Back in the days, Thomas was in front of TV-cameras. Today, he can be found in cockpits filming and catching breathtaking views from above.

DAT Inflight - Mit den Augen des Piloten
23.03.2014Making of – Dansk Onboard magazine (…)
Thomas Aigner & Co could be compared with BBC Top Gear TV-show for automotive fans, but a bit better. (Language Dansk) (…)

Professional Production - making of
06.02.2014Producer and director Thomas Aigner has successfully filled a market gap with the tv-format – Flight fascinating documentaries from the cockpits of commercial airliners. Ruodlieb Neubauer met with him and spoke about the special requirements of these productions.
AignerMEDIA GmbH
Kathrin Nimpsch
Halserspitzstrasse 38
81673 München
Tel: +49 .0.89 42705 – 100
Fax: +49 .0.89 42705 – 199
E-Mail: presse(at)
AignerMEDIA GmbH
Thomas Aigner
Halserspitzstrasse 38
81673 München
Tel: +49 .0.89 42705 – 0
Fax: +49 .0.89 42705 – 199
E-Mail: presse(at)
Press releases
22.01.2025 MRU No23 DE EN
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In episode 23, shows the new A330neo and the captain's career from flight attendant to captain and director of flight safety.
05.04.2016 HURGHADA No17 DE|EN|FR|ES
Download PDF zeigt in Folge 17 “Good Bye, Boeing! - Ausgeflottet” einen der letzten Flüge mit einer Boeing 737 der airberlin nach Ägypten ans rote Meer.
06.09.2015 SEA777F - A Plane's birth ...
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In episode 16 captures the production, pick up and delivery flight of a brand new Boeing 777F from Seattle to Frankfurt, Germany.
18.12.2014 AirLounge ONE - 'The Aviation Lounge'
Download PDF zeigt in Folge 15 „AirLounge ONE“ erstmals eine Komposition aus besonders emotionalen Flugaufnahmen, durchgängig unterlegt mit entspannender Musik.
23.03.2014 MD-11 Freighter - Quito, Südamerika - 'Lady's trip to the closed strip'
Download PDF - Episode 14 „Lady’s trip to the closed strip“. Spectacular feature of an entire cargo rotation for the first time from the flight deck of a rare Lufthansa McDonnell Douglas MD-11.
15.07.2013 Boeing 777 Freighter - Hong Kong - 'Typhoon warning'
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In Episode 11, "Typhoon warning", shows for the first time the entire flight of a new Boeing 777 freighter on its way to the Asian hub Hong Kong.
26.08.2012 Erstmals im Cockpit eines Airbus A380
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”The final flights of JR” – zeigt in Folge 12 erstmals einen gesamten Umlauf in einer A380-800, anlässlich der letzten Flüge des ranghöchsten Piloten der Lufthansa, Jürgen Raps.

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