

Press clippings, releases and material

Press clippings

AVSIM - rare opportunity to fly an A380

Three reviews by Marlon Carter. A380 San Francisco, SEA Seattle A330, NRT Tokyo B767. (…) This is a very different approach to what we may be used to from other producers, (…) but I can safely say that this is perhaps the best series of DVDs you will come across. 

LH Mediaworld - Kick off Inflight Entertainment

Premiere of the sequel A380 “The last flight of JR” in most of the long-haul fleet.

ASN Aerosoft Sim News - Review A380 (english)

Staff reviewer Adrian Adrian (…) this DVD covering the flights and the background information was one of the best cockpit documentaries I’ve ever seen. They didn’t just record what happens on the flight deck, but informed us about the important details. (…) having the unique chance to join their simulator training makes this Pilotseye.TV more than worth the money. < more …

RightThisMinute - Premiere im US-TV

(…) this is really cool video from a camera mounted on the nose of a plane. RightThisMinute.com is dedicated in finding the latest, coolest, most-interesting videos on the web and is a companion to the syndicated weekday television show. The Programm is aired on 57 local stations nationwide. http://petv.co/RightThMi

AVSIM: "This is perhaps the best series of DVDs you will come across"

The first review in AVSIM [one of the premiere sources for flight simulation]: “Some of you may be familiar with PilotsEYE(…) In a nutshell, PilotsEYE is a new and refreshing Documentary that captures the thrill and excitement of flying through the perspective of the Captain and ….

Austrian Aviation net - Thomas Aigner im Gespräch

Der Österreicher hat neue Benchmarks im Bereich der Cockpitvideos gesetzt.

Thomas Aigner hat sich nach seiner Karriere als Fernsehmoderator der Faszination Fliegen gewidmet. Mit seiner in München ansässigen Produktionsfirma AignerMEDIA gibt er seit 7 Jahren hochklassige Cockpitvideos heraus, die in mehrfacher Hinsicht neue Standards gesetzt haben.


AignerMEDIA GmbH

Kathrin Nimpsch
Halserspitzstrasse 38
81673 München

Tel:  +49 .0.89 42705 – 100
Fax: +49 .0.89 42705 – 199

E-Mail: presse(at)pilotseye.tv

AignerMEDIA GmbH

Thomas Aigner
Halserspitzstrasse 38
81673 München

Tel:  +49 .0.89 42705 – 0
Fax: +49 .0.89 42705 – 199

E-Mail: presse(at)pilotseye.tv

Press releases


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